5 Ways Dr Martin Bém of LeVeL33 Goes Green

5 Ways Dr Martin Bém of LeVeL33 Goes Green

Go Green SG encourages taking action towards a more environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient Singapore, and Dr. Martin Bém, the Founder and Managing Director of LeVeL33, sets a compelling example through his personal lifestyle choices. Beyond leading the charge at LeVeL33 for the integration of eco-friendly practices into its operations, Dr. Martin Bém has made conscious changes to his lifestyle to support the cause on more fronts.

Here are 5 ways Dr. Martin practises sustainability:

  1. Eating as much plant-forward and whole foods as possible. “I have not eaten meat for several years now,” shares Dr. Martin. “I do enjoy fish and other seafood on occasion, when I know it’s sourced sustainably.”
  1. Opting for produce that’s from a place closer to home when grocery shopping, to reduce emissions. “I consciously consider the origin of the produce I buy. For example, I select avocados and blueberries from Australia or New Zealand instead of Mexico. I try not to purchase food items that have travelled a lot.”
  1. Always choosing the organic option. Dr. Martin says, “I buy the organic version of products whenever possible. I also opt for plant-based milks instead of milk from livestock.”
  1. Staying plastic-free! “I avoid plastic packaging and plastic bags, always, and recycle as much as possible.”
  1. Buying from the right brands. “When shopping for clothing, sports equipment, and so on, I look for brands that use recycled materials or actively run programmes that drive sustainability.”

At home, Dr. Martin keeps the air conditioning off, and minimises food waste to the best of his ability — “Remember that over 30% of food is wasted worldwide, which is a major driver of the impact the food industry has on the climate,” he cites.

These green living habits mirror the eco-conscious principles that guide LeVeL33’s operations. From a plant-forward diet to mindful grocery shopping and reducing plastic use, Dr. Martin weaves dedication to sustainability into his everyday life, beyond professional initiatives — an alignment that defines a truly holistic commitment to the greater, greener good.